A Kind Message From Our Customer

Published: 21/03/2018

It is a privilege to support our customers and we often receive cards or flowers to say thank you for the difference made. We would like to thank one customer who recently sent us a kind card following the support they received during the snow earlier this month.

It is a privilege to support our customers and we often receive cards or flowers to say thank you for the difference made.

We would like to thank one customer who recently sent us a kind card following the support they received during the snow earlier this month. The card reads:
Dear Mel, I want to say how thankful I was that my carer, Julie, was able to come and see me in what dreadful snow last week. She looked after me so well and is a remarkable lady.

It must have been a nightmare for your carers and clients and I do hope that we will now get some milder weather to look forward to.

Please look after Julie for me, She goes on holiday soon and I hope she has a much deserved rest.

In the meantime, I will say cheerio for now and wish you all the best in your job and in the future.