Making A Difference In Our Community: Supporting Friendships Campaign Launch!

Published: 15/04/2019

We are proud to have been involved in the planning of a brand new campaign called 'Supporting Friendships' that was launched at a special event in Maidstone. The campaign aims to help generate ongoing donations to support the West Kent Befriending Service. As well as sponsoring the printing, we have been involved in the campaign development.

We are proud to support local community organisations and one of those is the West Kent Befriending Service, who provide free regular befriending to local residents in Maidstone.

Last summer the service had to temporarily close to new referrals due to a lack of funding, however after a campaign to raise funds over a number of weeks, over £10,000 was raised to re-open the service, which supports over 100 people.

There is a significant demand for the befriending service, with combatting loneliness being something that is a growing issue and the service continues to receive numerous referrals each week.
We are proud to have been involved in the planning of a brand new campaign that was launched at a special event in Maidstone. As well as sponsoring the printing, we have been involved in the campaign development.
The campaign which is called ‘Supporting Friendships’ aims to encourage regular donors to the service and has ambassadors which include Helen Grant (MP for Maidstone and The Weald), Rt Hon Anne Widdercombe, Julie Derrick (Head Teacher, Invicta Grammar School), Oliver Monahan Area Managing Director for Arriva Kent and Surrey) and Cllr David Naghi (His Worshipful the Mayor).
Community Liaison Manager Nathan attended the launch event which was held at Maidsone town hall and commented:
It is a tremendous privilege to support the West Kent Befriending Service. I have been involved for a number of years and initially heard about the service as I ran a number of Dementia Friends sessions for their volunteers.
When hearing about the lack of funding and service having to close to new referrals I felt that something had to be done and over many early breakfasts, I worked with the team in developing the Supporting Friendships campaign.
It was extremely encouraging to be at the launch event which came after much careful planning. I am looking forward to working with the team in now developing the campaign further to help generate valuable ongoing funding.
If you would like to find out more about the service and how you can get involved, please visit here.