Supporting MS Awareness Week 22nd - 28th April

Published: 22/04/2019

We are supporting MS Awareness Week which, runs from 22nd – 28th April to raise awareness of the condition and support the important work the Multiple Sclerosis Trust & Multiple Sclerosis Society do throughout the year. One person we support with MS is Nicola, who finds it difficult to get out and about so recently arranged for her Care Assistant Ljubitsa to take her out for lunch as part of our free customer outings. We would like to thank Nicola for allowing us to use her photograph as part of this story.

We are supporting MS Awareness Week which, runs from 22nd – 28th April to raise awareness of the condition and support the important work the Multiple Sclerosis Trust & Multiple Sclerosis Society do throughout the year.

MS is a lifelong and uncurable neurological condition that affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, also known as the central nervous system or CNS.

Around 100,000 people in the UK have MS and it is the most common condition of the central nervous system affecting young adults.

MS is something that affects a number of our customers and we provide the care support they require to help them remain independent at home.

One person we support is Nicola, who finds it difficult to get out and about so recently arranged for her Care Assistant Ljubitsa to take her out for lunch as part of our free customer outings. We would like to thank Nicola for allowing us to use her photograph as part of this story.

Because of Nicola’s condition, she needs to use a wheelchair, but has a fantastic support dog ‘Elvis’ who is there to help with day to day tasks.

Of the trip out, Nicola commented:
Thank you very much for my lovely lunch with Ljubitsa today. We had such a nice time.

It’s a kind gesture of Bluebird to allow carers to take customers out for lunch, especially for those who may be alone or unable to get out.
The MS Trust and MS Society provide some valuable support for those living with the condition and both have helplines where you can get guidance and make sure you are receiving the support you are entitled to.

If you would like to find out more about the support that we can provide, please contact our team on 01622 618 786​ and they will be more than happy to assist.