
Showing results 217 - 225 (of 532)

Fernanda Recognised As Care Assistant Of The Month

We would like to congratulate Fernanda, who has been recognised as our Care Assistant of the month! Fernanda, who is new to care, has been an excellent help over the past couple of weeks and become very popular with her customers, who absolutely loves her.


#MyStory - Hear From Customer Pat

We are launching our #MyStory campaign to share with you a little bit of insight into their background and the difference that having care at home makes to their lives.


Bluebird Care Maidstone is supporting Make May Purple for stroke

Bluebird Care Maidstone is supporting Make May Purple, an annual campaign run by the Stroke Association that takes place in May every year. The Stroke Association is the UK’s leading stroke charity who strongly believe strokes can and should be prevented, however this health challenge does not receive the attention or funding it requires. 


A Birthday Trip Out With Customer Leslie

Care Assistant Jackie recently arranged to treat her customer Leslie to a delightful trip out to Millbrooks garden centre in Staplehurst. When hearing that he was soon to celebrate his 86th birthday, Jackie thought what a fantastic idea taking him out would be!


Lunch Out With Live-in Customer Mr Geoffrey

We believe that it is important to go above and beyond in every way possible for our customers and this is why we have our customer outing initiative, which is where our Care Assistants can choose to take their customer out for a treat at no cost to the customer. Recently, Care Assistant Shawlene took a trip out with her customer Mr Geoffrey to the Sir Thomas Wyatt Beefeater Grill & Premier Inn at Allington where they enjoyed a spot of lunch.


The Little Things That #MakeADifference - Hear From Customer Marion

We have a culture of going above and beyond for our customers and there are many simple things that our team do every day which make a big difference. We are launching our #MakeADifference campaign to share with you some of the simple things that our team do which make a difference to our customers every day.


Supporting MS Awareness Week 22nd - 28th April

We are supporting MS Awareness Week which, runs from 22nd – 28th April to raise awareness of the condition and support the important work the Multiple Sclerosis Trust & Multiple Sclerosis Society do throughout the year. One person we support with MS is Nicola, who finds it difficult to get out and about so recently arranged for her Care Assistant Ljubitsa to take her out for lunch as part of our free customer outings. We would like to thank Nicola for allowing us to use her photograph as part of this story.


Happy Easter From Bluebird Care Maidstone

We would like to thank our team for the dedication and passion that they show and particularly in giving up some time over the bank holiday weekend to support their customers. We take every opportunity to thank our team and this week we have been distributing some sweet treats along with an Easter card.


Presenting Our £250 Grant To Support Loose Community Coffee Morning

Some days are just special and last week we had one of those days where we presented our first Community Grant for 2019 to Support Loose Community Coffee Morning. The grant of £250 will go towards purchasing some vital equipment that the rapidly growing community event requires as they deliver a vital service to local residents.


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