Settling into the Mid-Essex Office

Published: 23/02/2018

George Tutton has worked within our Bluebird Care Essex network for 3 years now.  When joining Bluebird Care George started as a Care Assistant within our Brentwood territory, today George is the care co-ordinator within our Mid-Essex branch. Click to read-more to learn how George's career has progressed since joining Bluebird Care. 

How did you hear about Bluebird Care?
I heard about Bluebird Care whilst working at my previous company. 
Prior to working for Bluebird Care I was working at a local supermarket, the Care Assistants used to come to the supermarket regularly dressed in their Bluebird tunics. I was mesmerized watching the Care Assistants take there customers round the isles, the carers looked at dates and the quality of the produce, whilst chatting with their customer on the way round. It was then I begun researching about Bluebird Care and decided to phone my local office.

How has your career progressed?
Well when I joined Bluebrid Care I had never worked in care before,so  I started off as a trainee Care Assistant. As a trainee Care Assistant it is vital you under go all mandatory training (this takes a minimum of 5 working days) - all training is paid at an hourly rate and is so insightful! After training I went onto complete my shadow shifts and care certificate. Once passing my probation, I was promoted to Care Asssistant, it was here I fell in love with my career. I saw myself increasing my availability because I was getting a great sense of reward for the work I was doing. As my work load grew so did my experience, It was then where I was promoted to Senior Care Assistant. As Senior Care Assistant I was required to carry out new duties, this included taking my turn in the emergency on call phone and covering work, carrying out spot checks and on occasions carrying out customer reviews. After some time working as a senior care assistant, my manager recognized my ability to cover work and spoke with me about possibly fufiling the co-ordinator vaccancy. I was initally hesitant about taking an office based role as I love giving care, however I took a risk and said yes. I worked as co-ordinator in Brentwood for over a year, before moving to the Chelmsford office as I moved house.

How was the transition from the Brentwood office to the Chelmsford office?
To be honest I was sad to leave Bluebird Care Brentwood, I had worked there for a few years, and in that time I had built a connection with the customers, and friendships with my work colleagues.
However, I was so grateful that Bluebird Care valued me as an employee and ensured that there was a career for me in an office that was more convenient for me to get too. 
Since joining Bluebrid Care Mid Essex (Chelmsford) I feel I have got used to the different office dynamics and thus overall I can say the transition has gone smoothly.
Most of all I am thankful to the directors for allowing me to leave the Brentwood office and join the Chelmsford office at my own convenience.

What do you find different about the Mid Essex Office?
Well first of all, the scale of the offices are slightly different. Brentwood had more care assistants and customers than what Chelmsford do.
However this has acted as an advantage to me in the early stages of my Career within the Mid Essex office, as it has allowed me to get to know all of the customer and care assistants on a personable level. It also gives me an objective to help grow the business.
One stark similarly between the two offices is the passion that is evident throughout the team, my new manager Natasha has a refreshing attitude and is always happy to assist me whatever my query - that is so important to me.

What is the most memorable thing you have done within Bluebrid Care in the past 6 months?
It has to be the Dementia Bus. The Dementia bus is where, through various methods you are put in the shoes of someone whom is diagnosed with dementia. This was so eye opening for me and I really learnt a lot.
I would say to anyone whom is caring for someone with Dementia, go on the dementia bus, it helps build an understanding of what dementia is like through the sufferers eyes.