Customer's Daughter completes the London Marathon

Published: 27/04/2018

Customer's daughter completes the London Marathon and raises funds for Cystic Fibrosis

Thanks received from the daughter, Helen C, of one of our customers for helping raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis. Heather completed the London Marathon in the extreme heat and sent in the following:-

'A big, big thank you to everyone for being so supportive over the last weeks - both in terms of your money and also listening to me natter on constantly about running!
With your help I will have raised close to £4500 for the CF Trust which is utterly amazing.
Sunday was a wonderful day - it really did demonstrate the spirit of London and the kindness of people - I would highly recommend it to anyone!'

You can still donate by calling the office for further details. We have a sponsor form on the front desk.  Well done to Heather as to complete the marathon is no mean feat, but to do it in the intense heat, as it was the hottest weather on record for the marathon, was absolutely fantastic!