Dog Walking Group-Combatting Lone Working

Published: 22/06/2018

Bluebird Care (Medway) staff combatting lone working

Bluebird Care (Medway) staff came together on a social night out on Wed 20th June 2018 to enable staff members to meet up and socialise as most of them work in the community and seldom get a chance to get together.  They all enjoyed a fabulous sunny evening in Riverside Park, Rainham walking their dogs.  Rita W, who does not have a dog of her own, very kindly offered to take a customer's dog out on the walk as the customer is not always able to. This has proved so popular that it will now become a regular feature in the Bluebird Care (Medway) calendar.

Staff pictured are Nicola P, Rita W, Tina G, Charmaine Grech (Director), Catherine R, Lorraine C and Lynsey B, together with family, friends and proud pooches.