See our Care Lip Sync Challenge

It's here!! ⭐⭐ Team NFKW's #CareLipSyncChallenge is now live! 🎤


It's here!! ⭐⭐ Team NFKW's #CareLipSyncChallenge is now live! 🎤

Inspired by the success of the US Police Force, the Bluebird Care group has been holding its own Lip Sync Challenge.

Aiming to raise awareness of the company, the Lip sync Challenge shows that although we take our work very seriously, we are humans and we can also have fun, too!

Nominated by our friends at Bluebird Care Cornwall North, we have produced our own #CareLipSyncChallenge mash up!

​See Carolyn, Keith and Team NFKW as you've never seen them before!