Changing the face of men's health: Movember 2021

Published: 04/11/2021

Bluebird Care Newmarket, Fenland, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk is supporting Movember 2021, an annual event involving growing moustaches during November to raise awareness of men’s health.

Changing the face of men's health: Movember 2021

Bluebird Care Newmarket, Fenland, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk is supporting this year’s Movember, an annual event which involves growing moustaches during the month of November.

The purpose is to raise awareness of men’s health, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and men's suicide.

On average, men die six years earlier than women, for many reasons which can be prevented. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men in the UK, whilst 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Globally, 1 man dies every minute by suicide and 6 out of 10 suicides are men.

These are the facts and it doesn’t have to be this way! Early intervention, support and health education can make a difference.

Movember is organised by The Movember Foundation who run 1,250 men’s health projects and are committed to ensuring that men live happier, healthier and longer lives. Their aim is to, by 2030, reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%.

The Movember Foundation encourages men to:

  • Spend time with people who make you feel positive and good
  • Talk more
  • Listen and be supportive
  • Learn more about prostate and testicular cancer
  • Regularly check your testicles and go to the doctor if something doesn’t feel right
  • Be active
  • At 50 years, talk to you doctor about a prostate cancer and whether you need a test.
  • If you are of African heritage or have a father or brother with prostate cancer, you should be having this conversation at 45.

Carolyn Dailey, Director of Bluebird Care Newmarket, Fenland, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, said:

“We are encouraging everyone to be aware of, understand and support men’s health. Educating ourselves about mental health, prostate and testicular cancer is important. We need to help change the lives of men around the world.

There are many ways to fundraise for Movember whether it’s growing your moustache or going for a run. Share with us your photos and we’ll upload them to our social media. We’d love to see photos of growing ‘Mos’!”

Visit the Movember website to find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved:

Bluebird Care is a national provider of home and live-in care, specialising in working with customers who live with dementia, physical disabilities and many other acute and chronic conditions. Bluebird Care work alongside their customers’ families, social services and the NHS to ensure each person receives the care they need.

Bluebird Care offers a unique service of tailored care visits which range from anything from 30 minutes to full live-in support. As well as personal care they also help with meal preparation, welfare checks, shopping, social trips, visits to the hospital and provide extra support for post-discharge customers.

For more details contact Bluebird Care by calling 01353 883333, emailing, or by visiting their website at