Bluebird Care shares their New Year's Resolutions

Published: 08/01/2020

There are a lot of great things we want Bluebird Care to achieve in 2020, and we want our staff, care assistants, customers, friends and families to join us and share their wishes for the year too.

With the start of the New Year upon us, we want to share our New Year’s Resolutions! There are a lot of great things we want Bluebird Care to achieve in 2020, and we want our staff, care assistants, customers, friends and families to join us and share their goals and wishes for the year too.

It could be something work-related, for example to receive an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the CQC, achieve a promotion, pass a probation, win ‘team member of the month’ or it could be something related to health and wellbeing such as starting a new hobby, going on a trip, making new friends.

We will be sharing our team’s photos across our social media platforms and will be collating them in our Facebook album here. If you would like to take part, please contact