
Showing results 163 - 171 (of 213)

Bluebird Care support Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care is supporting Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week 2016 from 20-26 March.


Bluebird Care support World Cancer Day 2016

Bluebird Care support World Cancer Day which takes place every year on 4th February and encourages the world to unite to raise the profile of cancer in a positive and inspiring way.


Bluebird Care support Dignity Action Day

Bluebird Care is supporting Dignity Action Day on 1 February 2016. The aim of the day is to bring people together to make a difference to those receiving care.


Bluebird Care support Young Carers Awareness Day 2016

Bluebird Care is happy to be supporting Young Carers Awareness Day on 28th January 2016.


Bluebird Care launches Winter Warmth campaign

Bluebird Care are urging older people, their families, friends and neighbours need to think WARMTH this winter to help people and even save lives.


Great article from Bluebird Care employee featured in the Guardian

Yesterday a special piece from Jodie Gornall, a Bluebird Care care assistant was featured in the Guardian newspaper.


Bluebird Care support Self Care Week 2015

Self Care Week 2015 runs from November 16 to 22. The aim of  the campaign is to help people take care of themselves, and to let them know what’s available to help them look after their health.


Bluebird Care support International Day of People with Disability

Bluebird Care are supporting International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) which is celebrated on 3 December each year.


Bluebird Care support Carers Rights Day 2015

Bluebird Care are supporting Carers Rights Day 2015 in aid of Carers UK on Friday 20 November. 


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