Celebrations: Anniversaries, Successful Probations and Above and Beyonds

We are celebrating the achievements of some of our care team who have either passed their probation, have reached their work anniversary or have gone above and beyond when delivering home care!


We are celebrating the achievements of some of our care team who have either passed their probation, have reached their work anniversary or have gone above and beyond when delivering home care!

At Bluebird Care Northallerton, Thirsk and Catterick we have had a busy few months celebrating the work anniversaries of those in our care team!

We are so proud of our wonderful Bluebird Care angels, for their dedication to our home care service 365 days a year come rain, snow, or sunshine. Each and every member of our team is a credit to our values and make such a difference to those in the local community each day. 

Work Anniversaries

In August we celebrated the one-year work anniversary of Suzanne F and the three-year anniversary for Joanna S. 

In September, Claire C and Maz B both celebrated three years at Bluebird Care whilst Clare N celebrated her one-year anniversary. 

In October Jackie C celebrated five years on our care team and Tracey R celebrated one-year at Bluebird Care.

In November we saw Jeanette S celebrate her two-year work anniversary and Rachel R celebrated her five year work anniversary!

In December Joanna L celebrated 2 years with us and Luke, our care co-ordinator, also celebrated 2 years! 

We thank you all for your hard work, dedication and support for caring for those in the community.A special mention goes to Lucy and Joanna S who both celebrated their seven year wok anniversary with us. Lucy and Joanna have been such valuable members of the team over the years.

Successful Probations

All of our care team have a 12 week probationary period and we are so thrilled to announce four successful probations recently!

A huge congratulations to Lydia B, Fiona C, Dianne S and Kirsty K who are fully fledged Bluebird Care Angels.

Lydia, Fiona, Dianne and Kirsty joined our team during our special offer of receiving a £100 amazon voucher once they have passed their probationary period. Happy shopping! 

Above and Beyond Awards

Congratulations to our amazing Care Assistant, Diana, for being the awarded the 'Above and Beyond Award' in October for her outstanding commitment and excellent customer service. 

A special recognition goes to Lucy, for her exceptional response when dealing with a customer emergency. During this time Lucy was "professional, caring, compassionate, focused and extremely organised".

We are so proud of you all!

If you haven't watched our care assistant video, which features Dianne, Tracey and Diana, please take a moment to watch it by clicking here.  They give a great insight into what it is like to be a Bluebird Care care assistant.