Allison and Laura becoming Dignity Champions

Published: 25/02/2015

What is a Dignity Champion?

What is a Dignity Champion?

A Dignity Champion is someone who believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that care services must be compassionate, person centred, as well as efficient, and are willing to try to do something to achieve this.

Dignity Champions are people who believe that ensuring dignity and respect for people using care services is a cause worth pursuing.

To Sue , being treated with dignity isn’t an optional extra, it’s a basic human right. She believes it is not enough that care services are efficient. She is compassionate too. Champions aim to work in partnership with care providers to improve the quality of services. Dignity Champions are people who, in their own way, are committed to taking some action, however small, in order to create a care system that has compassion and respect for those using its services. She is willing to:
  • Stand up and challenge disrespectful behaviour, Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
  • Act as good role model by treating other people with respect, particularly those who are less able to stand up for themselves
  • Listen to and understand the views and experiences of our customers who we care for
  • Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalised service
  • Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
  • Listen and support people to express their needs and wants
  • Respect people's right to privacy
  • Ensure people feel able to complain without fear of retribution
  • Engage with family members and carers as care partners
  • Assist people to maintain confidence and positive self-esteem
  • Act to alleviate people's loneliness and isolation
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