
Showing results 145 - 153 (of 316)

How To Become More Dementia Aware - In Just 1 Hour

Alzheimer’s Society has just marked an important milestone in its mission to create a safer, more inclusive world for people living with dementia


Lets Unite Against Dementia To Bring About Change

It will be Dementia Awareness Week from May 14 to 20 and this year we are calling on people from all walks of life to support our theme and stand ‘United Against Dementia’.  


Putting The 'Fun' In Fundraising

Dementia is set to be the 21st century’s biggest killer, with someone developing it every three minutes.   And even though a recent survey revealed people fear it more than cancer, it receives just one-tenth of the funding.


Why Drugs Giant Is Wrong To Give Up On Dementia

We have come to put our trust in science and that trust has been repaid many times over.   Think of the once killer diseases science has either virtually eliminated through vaccines – smallpox and polio, for example – or discovered treatments for, such as diabetes and many cancers


'Windfall' Must Not Be A 'One Off Gesture

When something goes wrong with a vital organ, we take it for granted help will be at hand.   Heart problems, liver or lung disease, kidney failure - whatever misfortune comes our way, our under-pressure NHS - the envy of the world - is there for us. Unless the organ in question happens to be our brain. That’s when the ‘free at the point of delivery’ model of health care in this country breaks down.


Moving Documentary Can Increase Understanding Of Dementia

Millions of people tuned in to watch a moving documentary on Channel 4 this week that revealed a little-known and disturbing side to dementia


Life doesn’t end when dementia begins – it changes

Dementia is cruel and indiscriminate. Last week, readers may have seen the heart-breaking interview with Laura Borrell on ITV’s This Morning. At just 39 she was diagnosed with frontotemporal degenerative dementia and is now planning a road trip with her husband to ‘make memories’ before the condition worsens.


After Emmerdale, What Now For The Real Life Ashley's?

The TV soap Emmerdale has done an outstanding job raising awareness of dementia with its gripping storyline about Vicar Ashley Thomas.  The Alzheimer’s Society collaborated with scriptwriters and we are delighted with the show’s realistic portrayal of the conditio


Social Care Reform Threatened by Brexit Turmoil

With the New Year just days away, the country is still in turmoil over the all-consuming Brexit debate. Whilst that may be understandable up to a point, the national crisis over our future relationship with the EU has meant some key domestic issues have been kicked into the long grass.


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