
Showing results 244 - 252 (of 316)

Bluebird Care Northumberland South support Ask Your Pharmacist Week 2015

This year Bluebird Care Northumberland South are supporting Ask Your Pharmacist Week 2015 which runs from the 9 - 15th November...


Bluebird Care Northumberland South support Carers Rights Day 2015

Bluebird Care Northumberland South are supporting Carers Rights Day 2015 in aid of Carers UK on Friday 20 November.


Bluebird Care Northumberland South support World Diabetes Day 2015

This year Bluebird Care Northumberland South are supporting World Diabetes Day 2015 on the 14th November, to help raise awareness about the condition.


Care Assistant of the Month - October 2015

Congratulations to our October 2015 care assistants of the month....


Newcastle Stampede completed!!!

Wah Akram completed a gruelling 10K assault course in aid of raising money for the British Heart Foundation...


Well done Wah on completing the Kilder 10K Marathon

The team at Bluebird Care Northumberland South would like to congratulate Wah, our director for completing the Kielder 10K marathon over the weekend. 


UK Older Peoples Day: 1st October

Bluebird Care Northumberland South is raising awareness for International Day for Older persons...


Kielder 10k Marathon - 3rd October

We're looking forward to taking part in the Active Northumberland Kielder Marathon on 3rd October.


Newcastle Stampede 10th-11th October 2015

Our very own Director Wah Akram will be taking part in the Newcastle Stampede on 10th October 2015.


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