Bluebird Care backs Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Month

Published: 15/07/2018

This July is Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Month and Bluebird Care (Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire) is supporting Macmillan in promoting cancer awareness. The aim is to highlight and raise awareness in ethnic communities of cancer, screening and services available.   

This July is Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Month and Bluebird Care (Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire) is supporting Macmillan in promoting cancer awareness. The aim is to highlight and raise awareness in ethnic communities of cancer, screening and services available.
Many different factors can cause cancer, such as family history, diet and lifestyle.
Our ethnicity can also mean that we have a lower or higher risk factor of developing certain cancers. In general, Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups have a lower risk of developing cancer than people from a White/Caucasian background. For instance; in England, White women have a 60-80% higher risk of getting lung cancer than Black and Asian women. But there are some exceptions - such as mouth cancer being more predominate in the South Asian communities, and Black men are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer than White men in the UK.
Furthermore, cancer awareness and use of cancer services tend to be lower in ethnic communities. Consequently, this means that BME groups may seek help at a later stage when the cancer is more advanced, or may not even go to their GP for help at all! A delayed diagnosis can often result in poorer survival and recovery chances.
Director of Bluebird Care (Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire), Robert Mezo said:
“The stigma of having cancer and a language barrier can often prevent people seeking advice from a medical practitioner, and thus obtaining an early diagnosis.
We are supporting Macmillan in the need to raise awareness and support people from ethnic groups to check possible signs and symptoms, to seek help from GPs and to uptake cancer support services.”
Changes in lifestyle can help prevent people being diagnosed with cancer. These include:
  • Decreasing smoking and alcohol intake
  • Eating a nutritious balanced diet
  • Being a healthy weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Being careful in the sun
  • Understanding your body and looking out for any unusual changes
  • Attending screening check-ups 
Macmillan also offers a wide range of translated cancer information. Visit their website to find more about cancer among BME communities:
Bluebird Care is a national provider of care in the home, specialising in working with customers who live with dementia, physical disabilities and many other acute and chronic conditions. Bluebird Care work alongside their customers’ families, social services and the NHS to ensure each person receives the care they need.
Bluebird Care offers a unique service of tailored care visits. As well as personal care they also help with meal preparation, welfare checks, shopping, social trips, visits to the hospital and provide extra support for post-discharge customers.
For more details contact Bluebird Care by calling 01865 807198, emailing, or by visiting their website