
Showing results 55 - 63 (of 125)

We're in the newspaper

Thanks to the Oxford Mail for publishing details of our Winter Warmth campaign. Staying warm this winter is an absolute must for the older and more vulnerable members of our local community.   We’ll be going the extra mile during the cold season to ensure all our customers have the support they need.   To read the full story click here  


Think WARMTH to save lives this winter

Older people, their families, friends and neighbours need to think WARMTH across Oxfordshire this winter to save lives, leading home care provider Bluebird Care has urged.  


Bluebird Care Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire supports Carers Rights Day 2018

Bluebird Care Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire is supporting Carers Rights Day 2018, organised by Carers UK on Friday 30th November.


Bluebird Care Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire are supporting Self Care Week 2018

Bluebird Care Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire are supporting this year’s Self Care Week which runs from 12-18th November and is organised by the Self Care Forum.


Cupcakes galore at Bluebird Care Open Day

Thanks to everyone who came along to our Recruitment Open Day in Witney last Thursday.


We're in the newspaper again!

Thanks to both the Oxford Herald and the Witney Gazette for featuring news of our new partnership with the Care Worker's Charity this week!


Bluebird Care Oxford forms new partnership with national Care Workers Charity

Bluebird Care Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire is delighted to be working with the Care Workers Charity, in a brand-new partnership set to benefit Bluebird Care’s hardworking team of employees in the local area.  


Never too old: Care provider launches new campaign to recruit over 55’s into work

One of Oxfordshire’s most popular homecare organisations has launched a new recruitment campaign – for over 55 year olds!


Bluebird Care Oxford is supporting Macmillan Cancer World's Biggest Coffee Morning

Bluebird Care Oxford, South & West Oxfordshire is supporting Macmillan Cancer Support this September by raising awareness of their “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” campaign.  


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