May Employee Award Winners - Going Above & Beyond

Published: 08/07/2021

Our Carers always go out of their way to help their customers and support their colleagues - but we want to give a special mention to these wonderful carers.........

Each month our Community Care Managers and Directors sit down and go through the nominations for Carer of the Month and our Above & Beyond awards.  All of our carers do a fantastic job often in difficult or challenging circumstances.  For May we would like to award the below carers with our Carer of the Month award - they recieve £15.00 vouchers, flowers and a box of chocolates.  We were lucky enough to be able to award some of them in person at our monthly team meeting.

Yasmin Norman - Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, for always stepping in to help your colleagues and for building such great relationships with your customers.

Elvyra Martinkiene & Jess Amps - Thank you for all your hard work, compassion and continuing to support your fellow employees.  You are both valuable members of the Bluebird Care family and we are so grateful for all your hard work.

We give out these awards every month, every employee is valued at Bluebird Care Stamford & Rutland, if you are interested in joining a great team then click here to find out our most recent vacancies.