Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland take part in Race for Life 2015

Published: 08/07/2015

Last night, we ran for Race for Life 2015 to help to kick cancers butt!

Last night, we ran for Race for Life 2015 to help to kick cancers butt! We had a great time…and finished!

Tania Dixon, Dawn Chaplin, Julie Mair, Nicola Vikovic, Hannah Smalley and Leisa MacKenzie were The Bluebird Birds and they did great! Well done to everyone taking part and coming along to support all the runners, and a special thank you to everyone that helped our Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland team to raise funds for this cause.

Everyone managed to jog/walk the 5k around the beautiful place that is Ferry Meadows in Peterborough along with nearly 2000 other people who are all dedicated to support this fantastic cause! The atmosphere was great with lots of individuals and groups with their own personal stories – some sad, running in memory of their loved ones who sadly lost their fight against cancer but also others with immense courage who are currently fighting or have indeed BEAT cancer and want to help others do the same.

With The Bluebird Bird's not being accomplished runners, it was a real team effort in supporting and encouraging each other to keep up the pace and get it done! At the start, they all lined up together ready to go. Tania, from the start, was off – and finished first in great style and great time! The remainder started off in great stride with a good steady pace of a jog. Hannah and Nicola, who said from the start they were walking, dug deep and jogged too! Every memeber of the team managed to finish with times between 41 minutes and 55 minutes!

The team goal was to raise £150. We don’t have the final totals but through individual sponsorships, donations and Just Giving pages, we are past the £200 mark!

Bluebird Care Peterbourgh & Rutland will be joining the Race for Life again next year.

Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland taking part in the 2015 Race for Life