Care Assistant of the Month - October 2015

Published: 26/10/2015

Congratulations to Lesley Perkins who is our care assistant of the month for October 2015!

Congratulations to Lesley Perkins who is our care assistant of the month for October 2015!

Lesley was awarded the care assistant of the month for October 2015.  Lesley has demonstrated a true commitment to learning and development. 

She has taken feedback and works proactively on adopting new ways and methods to continuously improve her care skill and the high level service she delivers to her customers.  This has been demonstrated in her reviews and supervision and in her calls.  Lesley’s commitment to her learning, drive for further knowledge to help her be the best for her customers, and application in the field has been excellent.

Lesley joined the company at the beginning in May 2015 and is delivering an excellent standard of care and has all the qualities that we expect from an excellent care assistant.

Lesley received a Certificate, bunch of flowers and a £20 gift voucher.

Well done Lesley, keep up the great work!