
Showing results 82 - 90 (of 229)

MacMillan Cancer Support Afternoon Tea 2020


July Employee Award Winners - Going Above & Beyond

Deciding on our employee awards are always difficult as everyone does a fantastic job! See who our July Employee award winners are for going 'Above & Beyond' - well deserved & well done to all!


Counting our Covid Blessings in our Latest Newsletter

In this edition of our newsletter, we've looked back  and counted our Covid blessings with amazing stories, actions and support that was so evident within our Bluebird Care Community and beyond!


Face Visors & Masks Issued to Bluebird Care Team

As our outstanding Care Assistants, are out in the community, providing invaluable support to new and existing customers, we have been working hard to ensure they have all they need to stay safe.


Sarah Achieves Level 5 QCF in Health & Social Care

Peterborough & Oundle Community Care Manager, Sarah, has been working hard towards her Level 5 Diploma in Health & Social Care and has now achieved it! Great work Sarah!


Dementia Training

Our commitment to providing outstanding dementia care continue with Informed Dementia Care providing specialist Dementia Experience & Champion training with our Care Team.


Welcome to our Quarterly Newsletter

Read all about it!  


Hot Weather Advice

Supporting our customers during the heatwave.


Bluebird Care Raises £93.00 for Stroke Awareness at Stamford Food & Garden Festival

Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland, took as stall to support the local Rotary event and the community.  It was a fabulous day with lots of family fun and it was great to be involved in the community supporting such good causes, including Rotary, Alzheimer's UK and Stroke Association.  The weather was fabulous and we had the added joy of being close to sample much of the amazing fayre that our fellow stall holders served!  Yum!


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