2018 CQC Report

Published: 20/03/2018

On the 16th of January 2018 Bluebird Care Redbridge were visited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

CQC' s report is compromised of 5 key questions and concluded with a summary.
The first question was "Is the service safe?" The CQC inspector determined that the service remained safe and thus a "Good" rating was achieved in this section of the report. One customer of Bluebird Care Redbridge was quoted in this section saying "I feel safe using Bluebird Care Redbridge, the Care Assistants always make sure the door is locked before they leave and they also announce when entering my property, so that I know it is not an intruder."
The next question in the report was "is this service effective?" Here the CQC inspector also determined that the service was effective to a "good standard". A customer of Bluebird Care Redbridge here was quoted saying "The staff are very good, they know me so well that I don't even have to tell them what to do." another customer went on too say "The Care Assistants always leave me out a drink and some bite size snacks within reach to ensure I maintain a balanced diet"
The inspector then went on to investigate whether this service was caring, the report concluded that Bluebird Care Redbridge are indeed caring to a level rated "good". Here customers of Bluebird Care said that the care assistants are polite and caring, one customer of Bluebird Care Redbridge said "They are very friendly and gentle with me", this was then confirmed by relatives whom went on to say "the staff that we have interacted with are attentive". 
This section also highlighted how the staff CQC interacted with spoke in a passionate manner, one care assistant was quoted here saying "It's very rewarding to know you have made an impact on someones life, just to see a person smile makes it all with it."
Next the report went on to investigate if the "service is responsive?" Here CQC found that Bluebird Care Redbridge structure person centered and specific care plans. Here the inspector detailed that in the care plans there are sections that say "what is important to me!" and that one plan went on to explain the importance to a customer of remaining "neat and tidy" and that this can be achieved through "wearing jewelery". Here the responsiveness of the care plans led to a "Good" rating in this section.
The final section of this report went on to question "is this service well led?" CQC found that Bluebird Care Redbridge continues to be well led, and the vast majority of customers questioned by CQC agreed with this statement.  A relative of a Bluebird Care Redbridge customer was quoted in this section saying "Bluebird Care Redbridge looked after my father for about 6 months. They were recommended to us and I would happily recommend the, to other potential clients. The inspector then looked into how the on-call system gives care assistance guidance out of office hours and thus assists care assistance to feel "well led". One care assistant was quoted here saying " The times I have needed them, they have always been helpful and quick to answer".

Good was achieved in all 5 sections of the report and thus Bluebird Care Redbridge continue to be a "good" rated service provider. 
The report was extremely complimentary of Debbie Harrison and her office and care team. 
Quotations from customers and care assistants are a testament to the great work the Bluebird Care Redbridge and Epping/Harlow employee's carry out on a daily basis.
A huge congratulations to you all and keep up the good work!