Pressure sore prevention

Pressure sores, also known as bedsores or pressure ulcers, are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue caused by prolonged pressure on the skin.

Pressure sores often occur in individuals with limited mobility, or by sitting or lying in one position too long. They can also be caused by ill-fitting footwear, sliding down the bed, inappropriate wheel / arm chairs, and poor personal hygiene. The generally occur over a bony area on the body such as the sacrum, heels, and elbows.

With proper care and prevention strategies, pressure sores can be avoided. Here are some practical tips from Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton's team of Care Experts to help you prevent and manage pressure sores.

1. Regularly Change Positions
  • Frequent Movement: Change your position every 1-2 hours if you’re bedridden or chair-bound. If you need assistance, ask one of our Care Assistants to help you.
  • Shift Weight: If you’re sitting in a chair, shift your weight every 15 minutes to relieve pressure.
2. Use Supportive Devices
  • Special Mattresses and Cushions: Use pressure-relieving mattresses, mattress toppers, or seat cushions to reduce pressure on vulnerable areas. These can often be provided free of charge from the British Red Cross, providing they have been prescribed by a healthcare professional. Ask your GP or contact Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton to arrange an Adult Community Therapy assessment to determine your specific needs.
  • Pillows and Foam Wedges: Place pillows or foam wedges under bony areas like the elbows, heels, and tailbone to prevent pressure sores.
3. Maintain Good Skin Care
  • Keep Skin Clean and Dry: Gently clean your skin with mild soap and water, and pat dry. Ensure your skin stays dry, especially in areas prone to moisture, such as the groin and underarms.
  • Moisturise: Use moisturisers to keep your skin supple and prevent dryness, which can make skin more prone to sores.
4. Inspect Your Skin Daily
  • Regular Checks: Check your skin daily for any signs of redness, blisters, or sores. Pay special attention to bony areas and places where skin contacts surfaces.
  • Use a Mirror: Use a handheld or long-handled mirror to inspect hard-to-see areas, or ask our Care Assistants to help.
5. Maintain Good Nutrition and Hydration
  • Balanced Diet: Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein to support skin health and healing. Include foods high in vitamins C and E, zinc, and protein.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
6. Manage Moisture
  • Control Incontinence: If you have issues with incontinence, use absorbent pads or briefs and change them regularly to keep skin dry.
  • Use Barrier Creams: Apply barrier creams or ointments to protect skin from moisture caused by incontinence or sweating.
7. Avoid Friction and Shear
  • Careful Movement: When moving or repositioning, avoid dragging your skin across the bed or chair to prevent friction.
  • Use Transfer Aids: Use transfer sheets or lifting devices to help move from bed to chair or vice versa. These can be provided via the British Red Cross following an Adult Community Therapy Assessment by your GP, District Nurse, Occupational Therapist, or Physiotherapist. Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton will happily make a care needs referral for you.
8. Stay Active
  • Exercise Regularly: Engage in gentle exercises as recommended by your healthcare provider to improve circulation and overall health.
  • Physical Therapy: Consider physical therapy to enhance mobility and strength, reducing the risk of pressure sores.
9. Seek Professional Advice
  • Healthcare Providers: Consult your doctor, nurse, or a wound care specialist if you notice any signs of pressure sores or if you’re at high risk. They can provide tailored advice and treatment.
  • Regular Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups to monitor your overall health and skin condition.
10. Treating Pressure Sores
  • Early Intervention: If you develop a pressure sore, let your care team know and/or seek medical attention immediately. Early treatment can prevent sores from worsening.
  • Follow Treatment Plans: Follow your healthcare provider’s treatment plan, which may include cleaning the sore, applying dressings, and possibly antibiotics if there is an infection.
  • Keep Pressure Off the Sore: Use pressure-relieving devices and reposition frequently to keep weight off the sore.
Follow the SSKIN 5 Step Model for Pressure Sore Prevention
  • Surface - Make sure you have the right supportive equipment e.g. pressure cushion and mattress.
  • Skin Inspection - Early inspection means early detection.
  • Keep Moving - To avoid too much pressure on one given area.
  • Incontinence - Ensure you stay clean and dry to avoid moisture damage.
  • Nutrition & Hydration - Support your skin with a healthy, balanced diet and plenty of fluids.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing pressure sores and manage any that do occur more effectively. Prioritising skin care, regular movement, and proper nutrition are key to maintaining healthy skin and overall well-being. Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton will gladly support you if you have any concerns regarding your skin care.

How to find the right care for you or your relative

1. Find your local office

Bluebird Care delivers care from locally based offices, find yours to start your care journey today.

2. Get in touch with us

Fill in our call back form or give us a call to find out how we can help you.

3. Assessment

We’ll come out to you to find out what you or your loved one needs to help stay independent at home.

4. Care team chosen & care starts

You'll be cared for by our specially trained team to support you to remain at home for as long as possible.

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