Ways to make your home dementia friendly

Creating a dementia-friendly home environment can greatly enhance the safety, comfort, and quality of life for individuals living with dementia.

Creating a dementia-friendly home environment can greatly enhance the safety, comfort, and quality of life for individuals living with dementia. Here are some practical tips and strategies to help you make your home more accommodating and supportive, as recommended by Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton's care team.

1. Enhance Safety
  • Remove Hazards: Clear clutter and remove tripping hazards such as loose rugs, electrical cords, and small furniture. Keep pathways clear and wide.
  • Secure Dangerous Items: Lock away sharp objects, cleaning supplies, medications, and any other potentially dangerous items. 
  • Install Safety Devices: Use smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and nightlights in key areas. Consider installing safety locks on cabinets and drawers.
2. Improve Lighting
  • Brighten Spaces: Ensure all areas of the home are well-lit, especially hallways, staircases, and bathrooms. Use bright, even lighting to reduce shadows and improve visibility.
  • Use Natural Light: Maximise natural light during the day by opening curtains and blinds. This helps regulate sleep patterns and mood.
3. Simplify Navigation
  • Clear Signage: Use clear, simple signs with both words and pictures to label rooms and important items like the bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom.
  • Colour Contrast: Use contrasting colors for walls, floors, and furniture to help differentiate between spaces. Avoid complex patterns that can be confusing and disorientating.
  • Consistent Layout: Keep furniture and household items in the same place to provide a predictable environment and reduce confusion.
4. Promote Orientation
  • Clocks and Calendars: Place large, easy-to-read clocks and calendars in prominent locations to help with time and date orientation.
  • Memory Aids: Use whiteboards or notice boards to display important information, daily schedules, and reminders.
5. Support Independence
  • Accessible Design: Ensure frequently used items are within easy reach. Adapt kitchen and bathroom layouts to make them user-friendly and accessible.
  • Simple Tasks: Break down tasks into simple, step-by-step instructions. Use visual cues and labels to aid in performing daily activities.
6. Comfort and Familiarity
  • Personalise Spaces: Decorate with familiar objects, photographs, and personal items to create a sense of belonging and comfort.
  • Comfortable Furniture: Choose comfortable, easy-to-clean furniture. Consider furniture with rounded edges to reduce injury risk.
7. Manage Noise and Distractions
  • Reduce Clutter: Minimise visual and auditory clutter to create a calm and organised environment.
  • Quiet Zones: Designate quiet areas for relaxation and rest, away from noisy appliances and high-traffic areas.
8. Create a Safe Bathroom
  • Grab Bars: Install grab bars and non-slip mats in the bathroom to prevent falls.
  • Raised Toilet Seats: Use raised toilet seats and shower chairs for added safety and comfort.
  • Temperature Control: Set water heaters to a safe temperature to prevent scalding. Use faucets with clear hot and cold indicators.
9. Encourage Engagement
  • Activity Stations: Set up areas with engaging activities like puzzles, art supplies, or sensory objects to stimulate the mind and provide purposeful engagement.
  • Outdoor Access: If possible, provide safe access to outdoor areas or gardens for fresh air and exercise.
10. Technology and Monitoring
  • Home Monitoring Systems: Consider using monitoring systems and sensors to track movement and alert caregivers to potential issues.
  • Simple Technology: Use simple, easy-to-use devices for communication, such as picture phones or tablets with large icons.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a dementia-friendly home that supports the needs of individuals living with dementia, enhancing their safety, comfort, and overall well-being. Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton's dedicated team of Care Experts will be on hand should you wish to discuss your needs further.

How to find the right care for you or your relative

1. Find your local office

Bluebird Care delivers care from locally based offices, find yours to start your care journey today.

2. Get in touch with us

Fill in our call back form or give us a call to find out how we can help you.

3. Assessment

We’ll come out to you to find out what you or your loved one needs to help stay independent at home.

4. Care team chosen & care starts

You'll be cared for by our specially trained team to support you to remain at home for as long as possible.

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