Avoiding scams

By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud.

Scammers are constantly finding new ways to deceive people, especially targeting vulnerable populations such as the elderly. With the support of Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton's team of Care Experts, here are some practical tips to help you avoid scams:

Sign up to 'Friends Against Scams'

Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering communities to... 'Take a Stand Against Scams.'

Friends Against Scams is designed to inspire action, highlight the scale of the problem, change the perceptions of why people fall for scams and make scams a community, regional and national topic.

By taking the 8 minute online learning, or by attending a Friends Against Scams awareness session, anyone can learn about the different types of scams and how to spot and support a victim. With increased knowledge and awareness, people can make scams part of everyday conversation with their family, friends and neighbours, which will enable them to protect themselves and others.

Anyone can be a Friend Against Scams and make a difference in their own way. Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton strongly encourages all employees, customers, family and friends to sign up to this initiative. 

There are FOUR main types of scams:

  1. Mail - Lotteries and prize draws, clairvoyants, pyramid schemes, advanced fee, bogus job offers.
  2. Internet - Click bait, emails, ransomware, unsecure websites, fake charity, fake gift card, social media.
  3. Telephone - Fake calls from a bank, computer repair, HMRC, compensation, pensions and investments.
  4. Doorstep - Rogue traders, bogus officials, hard luck stories, fake charity collections, fake consumer surveys.

Take a stand against Mail Scams

  1. Never send money to a company in order to claim a prize or winnings.
  2. Watch out for letter with too good to be true offers, it's probably a scam. 
  3. Don't disclose personal information to people or companies you don't know.
  4. If you get a lot of mail get a trusted friend or family member to help you sort through it.
  5. If you think the letter is a scam report it and shred it.


Take a stand against Internet Scams

  1. Be wary of emails from unknown sources asking you for personal details.
  2. Set up a junk mail filter to stop unwanted emails entering your account.
  3. Always go to a bank's official website to get information, don't follow links within emails.
  4. Make sure your payments online are secure, look for the padlock symbol in the address bar.
  5. Say no to strangers offering to put money in your account, this could be illegal.


Take a stand against Telephone Scams

  1. Never give out personal or bank details over the telephone.
  2. Don't feel pressured in to making a decision over the telephone.
  3. If the caller is vague about giving out their company information, hang up.
  4. Don't open texts or answer calls from unrecognisable numbers.
  5. Consider a call blocking device to filter out unwanted calls.


Take a stand against Doorstep Scams

  1. Use a door chain to check who's calling.
  2. Don't trade on the door step.
  3. Ask a trusted friend or family member for advice on reputable traders.
  4. Display a 'No Cold Calling' sticker outside your door, or consider getting a doorbell camera.
  5. Always report any suspicious activity.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to scams. Stay vigilant, protect your personal information, and don’t hesitate to seek help from Bluebird Care Rushcliffe & Melton if you suspect a scam.

How to find the right care for you or your relative

1. Find your local office

Bluebird Care delivers care from locally based offices, find yours to start your care journey today.

2. Get in touch with us

Fill in our call back form or give us a call to find out how we can help you.

3. Assessment

We’ll come out to you to find out what you or your loved one needs to help stay independent at home.

4. Care team chosen & care starts

You'll be cared for by our specially trained team to support you to remain at home for as long as possible.

Contact Us