Welcoming Rachel to the team!

A warm welcome to our new PR & Marketing Officer


A warm welcome to our new PR & Marketing Officer

Hello everyone! My name is Rachel and I’m the new PR and Marketing officer here in the office at Bluebird Care Shropshire.

A little about me: I’ve been a creative all my life and learned most of my marketing and content creation skills through doing. I’m a Spirograph artist and make huge canvases covered in spirals big and small – take a look at the picture below!

I am also an avid camera woman- I love photography, especially portraits, and I can’t wait to bring my camera into work and take some great shots of our team and customers. I have also made 3 films (nearly 4!) and I’ve been lucky enough to have been featured in a number of international film festivals – most notably a feminist film festival in Taiwan! I was also a finalist in the Switzerland international film festival for my short film script, such fun!

This is my first “official” role in a care company, however I have worked in care before- more specifically childcare. While travelling the world (another of my passions!) I have run kid’s clubs in France, au paired in Germany and Australia, and even nannied a tiny Icelandic baby. You definitely can’t say I’m boring!

My role with Bluebird care is something I’m really looking forward to – the company is very clearly filled with wonderful people who genuinely enjoy their roles and love what they do – the amount of stories I have heard since I arrived about “this really lovely customer” is truly inspiring and I just can’t wait to bring some of those stories to life in videos, podcasts, and the written word.

Which brings me to this news section! On top of sharing important news events and information that can help you in your day to day life, I’ll be featuring our carers and customers so that you can really see how wonderful all the team at Bluebird Care really are.

So, I’m looking forward to this new challenge, and thank you Bluebird Care Shopshire for having me!

