Our Official Launch Party!

Published: 15/01/2014

Wednesday, 8th January was the official launch of Bluebird Care (South Oxfordshire) which allowed us to meet various people from the local community...

Wednesday, 8th January was the official launch of Bluebird Care (South Oxfordshire) which allowed us to meet various people from the local community including the Mayor of Wallingford, Councillor Bernard Stone who wished us the very best of luck and acknowledged that our services will be much needed within Wallingford and throughout South Oxfordshire.

Robert Mezo (centre right), Director of Bluebird Care (South Oxfordshire) with Mayor of Wallingford, Councillor Bernard Stone, Becky Stevenson (left), Registered Manager and Siobhan Carroll, Care Co-ordinator.

Val Wolsey, Chair of the Patients in Parternship (PiP) group for the Wallingford Medical Practice also attended to meet the team. 

Our Director, Robert Mezo said:

Having the Mayor and Val attend the grand opening was a real vote of confidence. It was great to get an understanding of the issues facing the community and where we as a home care provider and a local business can help. I'm very much looking forward to working with the local community to provide as much support as we can

We are currently organising a community event in Wallingford to bring together local business and members of the community to discuss important topics, address concerns and provide advice to members of the community. Date in late February to be confirmed.