Bluebird Easter challenge

Published: 09/04/2021

Thank you to everyone who entered our competition, we will be revealing the winner very soon!

We set the Bluebird Team an Easter challenge

Over the Easter weekend we set our Team the challenge to get creative with their families and enter our Easter competition. We wanted to see who could be the most creative by decorating either a boiled egg, an Easter bonnets or an Easter mask.

This was a great opportunity to have some fun with the family and see who could come up with the best design. There was a couple of rules which needed to be followed, which were:

  1. The theme or the design had to be care or Bluebird Care related
  2. To enjoy the process and have some fun
  3. Evidence your creativity by bringing to the office, taking a photo or a video of your crafty creations


Easter designs

It was great to see so many of our team and their families get involved in creating something. We loved one in particular so much we had to share it with you. This is Fiona Bertam’s Easter Bonnet design which she has put an incredible amount of thought in to. She explained her reasoning to us:

  • A plastic plate as food is the way to the heart of our customers
  • The blue ribbon is for the Bluebird Team as we tie everything together
  • A picture of the house and a fire as we keep everyone safe and warm in their home
  • The straws represent us keeping our customers healthy and hydrated
  • A bottle of pills for administering our customers medication
  • A lady with cleaning products and equipment to show how we keep our customers homes clean and tidy

Well done Fiona, great effort and 10/10 for creativity!

Thank you to everyone who entered our competition, we will be revealing the winner very soon, here is some more of our entries.