We are celebrating after receiving an ‘Outstanding’ rating for Caring in a recent CQC inspection.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has recently inspected Bluebird Care Stafford and praised us for being exceptionally person centred and having a holistic approach whilst supporting our customers.


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has recently inspected Bluebird Care Stafford and praised us for being exceptionally person centred and having a holistic approach whilst supporting our customers.

CQC inspect the overall quality and provide a rating for each care service under the Care Act in England. The process also involves interviewing some of our customers, members of our care team as well as other health professionals

We are extremely proud to announce that Bluebird Care Stafford received an ‘OUTSTANDING’ for Caring with an overall rating of 'Good’.  Inspectors found our customers and their loved ones, are at the heart of our care.  The service we offer was also found to be remarkably safe, effective, well-led and responsive.   


The newly published report states we “had significantly improved people and their family's physical and mental wellbeing, independence and overall quality of life. People were empowered by passionate staff who encouraged them to achieve their goals and follow their interests.”

Customers were overwhelmingly treated with exceptional kindness and compassion by carers who genuinely cared about their wellbeing. One client told the inspector, "The carers are all extremely kind and caring.”  Another relative commented, "It's a complete turnaround. Staff at Bluebird Care have given them a completely new lease of life.”

Our customers also felt safe and supported by carers who understood their needs and preferences and knew them well.  One relative told the inspector, "The staff are brilliant. I know it's safe to leave my family member in their hands."

Whilst carrying out the inspection, the CQC also approached other Professionals including district nurses who were consistently positive about the service.  One professional told the inspector, "Staff raise issues about people and we have confidence in them to review and raise concerns. They are observant and proactive. I am quite impressed by them."

The report also highlights our care team at Bluebird Care spoke with warmth, empathy, compassion and genuinely had positive attitudes about providing care which was person centred. Carers informed the support they received from managers enabled them to provide the best care they could. One staff member told CQC, "The management team are very approachable. If I was worried about something, I would be able to bring it up with them. I am very close to them. They are great."

Emily Jones, Registered Manager at Bluebird Care said:

"We are delighted that we have been rated 'outstanding' for being caring. We are about driving excellence and are extremely proud that the exceptional work we do has been recognised.”

We at Bluebird Care take great pride for what we do in the Staffordshire community.  We are honoured and humbled, with the comments received from our customers, their family members and our care team.

We would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of everyone at Bluebird Care Stafford to thank you all for your kind words.

More details of the report can be viewed here.