Our staff excel in their professional qualifications!

Published: 19/08/2019

At Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland, as part of our assurance that our care assistants have the skills and knowledge, is supporting them through professional qualififcations.

At Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland, as part of our assurance that our care assistants have the skills and knowledge they require to support all our customers, including specialist areas, our staff are provided with the opportunity and are encouraged and supported to achieve professional qualifications in given areas.

Most recently, a number of our care assistants began completion of their modules to achieve End of Life Level II Qualification, and Dementia Care Level II qualification.  So far, the completion of the first set of modules by all our carer assistants has resulted in fantastic feedback and achievements across the board.  Well done to all!

A special well done and congratulations to Emma Couzens who received amazing feedback from her assessor for her End of Life qualification:
“Emma, this was one of the best assignments I have marked.  I am very impressed with the detailed answers that you have provided to each question.  Your efforts are noticeable.”
A great start, and true testimony to Emma’s diligence to her study, her profession and her personal development of her skills as a professional care assistant.

Emma received flowers and some chocolates for her hard work.