Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland take part in Race for Life 2016

Published: 19/08/2019

On Sunday 5th June 2016 the team at Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland took part in the 5k Race of Life in Stamford at Burghley House. 

On Sunday 5th June 2016 the director of Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland, Leisa MacKenzie and her team took part in the 5k Race of Life in Stamford at Burghley House.

The event had an excellent turnout with over 1100 participants including the Bluebird Care team and some of their children. Everyone in the team managed to walk the 5k in just under 1 hour with some of the children running and completing the course in 45 minutes.
Leisa MacKenzie, director of Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland said:
Our original target was £100 but we have managed to smash that with us raising £150 so far and the total still climbing. Thank you to everyone in the Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland team who participated in the event and to those who have supported us along the way. The team had a great day out and hope our efforts can help beat Cancer.”