Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland feature in September’s issues of Stamford Living

Published: 19/08/2019

This month we have been featured in Stamford Living thanks to our team member and company mascot, Jasper.

This month we have been featured in Stamford Living thanks to our team member and company mascot, Jasper.

Some of you will have met this team member of Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland before, for others, it will be a new introduction. Our fabulous team member and company mascot, Jasper, is featured in this month’s Stamford Living on page 50 in September’s edition.

Jasper is our fabulously friendly, gentle-giant-of-a-dog, he is a 6 year old Russian Black Terrier and comes to work every Thursday with his owners and our Directors, Tim & Leisa.
Stamford Living Feature   Stamford feature

Jasper loves visitors so if you'd like to meet him, he'd love to see you, just pop in.