Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland celebrate 5th birthday with coffee morning

Published: 19/08/2019

Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland recently celebrated their 5th birthday at their Stamford office, whilst hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning at the same time.

The team at Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland opened up its Stamford office on 30th September to celebrate it's 5th birthday, as well as raising important funds through a Macmillan Coffee Morning.

We are so pleased to be able to celebrate our 5th birthday and at the same time, be able to support such a worthy cause!  We have had such fun and it has been great to see such a good turnout, including our customers, staff and faces from the local community.
Customer Joyce Thomas (89) joined in the birthday celebrations and agreed with the panel of competition judges who claimed that the local Bluebird Care care assistants go ‘above and beyond on every single care visit’.

Further to this, Joyce commented;
They (Bluebird Care care assistants) are all wonderful, we have a good laugh together and they are all friends now.”
Speaking about the celebrations, Director of Bluebird Care Peterbrough & Rutland Leisa Mackenzie commented;
It's been a fantastic journey so far and we would like to say a huge thank you to all of our customers, staff and everyone else who is part of our Bluebird Care community for their support, dedicated and loyalty over the years. We are committed to providing the highest quality of homecare and to making a difference to all our customer’s lives, by supporting their independence and lifestyle. We are looking forward to delivering award-winning care within our local community for the next five years and beyond.

Future plans include the recruitment and training of more care assistants and the exciting introduction of the latest mobile technology which will allow our care assitants to be kept up-to-the minute with changes in medication and care needs of our customers.
A total of over £230 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support during the 5th birthday celebrations and here are some photos from the day:
5th anniversary  
  5th birthday