Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland care assistants praised for quick thinking

Published: 19/08/2019

A big well done to care assistants Gemma Webster and Sandra Green who have been praised by the CEO of St John and St Anne's Alms Houses for their quick thinking.

A big well done to care assistants Gemma Webster and Sandra Green who have been praised by the CEO of St John and St Anne's Alms Houses for their quick thinking.

Both Gemma and Sandra recieved official praise and have been commended for their “professional manner” in which they delivered care during a 999 call to an Alms House in Oakham recently. 

Chief Executive Officer of St John and St Anne’s Alms Houses, Paul Martin, was so impressed by the two Bluebird care assistants who stepped in to help an elderly frail resident, when the Alms House caught fire that he wrote to Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland director, Leisa MacKenzie.
Commenting on the event, Mr Martin said;
The Bluebird carers did a remarkable job in calming down an agitated resident whilst various emergency services rushed to and fro past them. The carers stayed with the woman for the best part of two hours, when they probably only had a short care call booked. They handled a difficult situation very well and stayed with the woman until after the fire crews had left. They were the last people to leave the scene.”
Both Sandra and Gemma were presented with flowers and bubbly in acknowledgement of their kind and caring actions. Whilst being presented with the gifts, a tearful Gemma exclaimed:
See this is exactly why I wanted to come to care. Helping people - I knew it was right.”
Leisa & Gemma  Sandra Green