Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland receive national recognition

Published: 19/08/2019

Bluebird Care Peterborough and Rutland have received national recognition and congratulations for its outstanding contribution to safety throughout England.

Bluebird Care Peterborough and Rutland have received national recognition and congratulations for its outstanding contribution to safety throughout England.

This acknowledgement by the League Table of Care Agencies and Care Homes, highlights Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland as one of the top 62 well-led care organisations nationally, putting Bluebird Care at the forefront of the Country’s home care.

Director of Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland, Leisa MacKenzie, commented;
We are absolutely delighted to rank so highly on the official League Table and to be recognised specifically for the way in which we ensure our home care provision is managed in order to provide safe and effective care for all our customers,

We place an enormous emphasis on continual staff advancement and training, ensuring all our care assistants are fully trained and supported at all times which, in turn, allows our care assistants to become experts in care-giving. We have established excellent communication links between our care assistants, office-based staff and our customers which allows our service to be very responsive. New mobile technology allows our carers to make changes to care notes (ie alterations in medication or care needs) in real time.”
Care assistant Sara Greenwood, from Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland expresses how much she has benefited from the strong leadership;
The support of Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland has allowed me to grow in confidence. The strong sense of ‘team’ with the other carers and office staff have boosted my belief in my own abilities. I couldn’t do what I am doing without the support of all of the Bluebird Care staff. I feel very fulfilled with my career and have a sense of satisfaction and pride that comes from my work.”
The League Table uses Care Quality Commission (CQC) data during the year to November 2016 to produce a league table of Health and Social Care locations ranked on the basis of their CQC rating: Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement and Inadequate. As such, it builds on CQC own individual location quality ratings to establish a relative choice scale for users to compare health and social care locations when choosing providers. League Table organisers say they believe that celebrating excellence improves standards.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the League Table should search: Which Health and Social Care location? Rankings of Regulated Health and Social Care locations in England.”