Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland are urging the community to stay hydrated this summer

Published: 19/08/2019

At Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland we’re running a “Stay Hydrated this Summer” campaign to spread the word about the dangers of heat and share simple tips that save lives in hot weather.  

Warm weather and sunshine are very welcome - but they’re also a timely reminder of the importance of hydration for our health. At Bluebird Care Peterborough & Rutland we’re running a “Stay Hydrated this Summer” campaign to spread the word about the dangers of heat and share simple tips that save lives in hot weather.

During last July’s soaring temperatures 1,661 deaths were recorded in England and Wales compared with a five year average of 1,267 (ONS 2016). This shocking statistic highlights the potentially life-threatening dangers of heat and sun exposure. These threats are particularly dangerous for high-risk groups in our community such as babies, children, adults with compromised health and older people.
Our ‘Stay Hydrated this Summer’ message reminds everyone about the importance of keeping cool and hydrated during hot weather. Over the summer months, we’ll be sharing resources here on our website and posting top tips on social media about staying well in the heat.

The Government’s NHS Eatwell Guide 2016 suggests we all drink around 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. This is ideally plain water or sugar free drinks.
For many older people, this can be something of a challenge and one they overlook. Memory issues, for example, make this a difficult habit to adopt. Older people can also have a weakened sense of thirst.

That’s why it’s up to us all to gently encourage our loved ones to drink up.
Simple NHS tips for staying well in hot weather:
  • Close blinds and curtains to keep the house cool
  • Stay out of extreme heat whenever possible
  • Stay hydrated with water. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks
  • Keep up to date with weather forecasts
  • Check on relatives and neighbours who may be at risk
  • Wear a sun hat and sunglasses if you go outside and use plenty of sunscreen. Make sure you have water and something to eat with you
  • Avoid going out between 11am and 3pm during the hottest part of the day
Nadine, our care manager, is keen to make everyone aware of the real threat to life posed by extreme weather – especially for the vulnerable and elderly in our community. Commenting on this, she said:
Our care team is very aware about customers’ hydration right through the year but summer is a time when we up our vigilance on this issue.
We’re reaching out to the community in Peterborough, Oundle, Stamford & Rutland to ask anyone at risk to keep in regular contact with friends and neighbours. If you have an elderly relative or neighbour, please check them in hot spells to make sure they’re coping.
Nadine adds:
If anyone would iike further hot weather advice or information about summer homecare, please call us on 01780 480 881. We’ll be delighted to help. Let’s look after one another this summer.