Car Donation to Carer

Published: 22/07/2020

Genuine Car giveaway from local man, Rob Wise.

Rob posted on Facebook -:

"After a difficult few months for Care workers and NHS workers I would like to show my appreciation for them by giving my car to 1 of them. If you are a Care worker or front line NHS worker message me if you are interested, I will be checking you are who you say you are.


It’s a nice clean car. Does have a few age related scratches and marks, but not bad condition.

THANK-YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS OVER LAST FEW MONTHS. Look forward to hearing from you. 1st to contact me will get a car."

One of our Carers Charllotte went to view the car at the weekend and is now the proud owner of the car!

What a generous selfless gesture from Rob Wise. He is reluctant to accept thanks and recognition, but we would like to say a massive thank you from us at Bluebird Care Swale for thinking of the Carers and NHS staff who have worked so hard over the last few months
We are sure Charllotte is made up with the car, and it will ensure she gets to the vulnerable Customers who she cares for.
#thankyou #workincare #generosity #bluebirdcareswale