Pet Therapy Session Ad

Published: 23/06/2021

Pet Therapy Session Ad - June 2021


King Georges Playing Field, Sittingbourne.

Tuesday 15th June 2021 at 10.30am.

Due to the current situation we are holding our sessions outdoors with the measures in place.

Animal-assisted therapy improves customers’ mental, physical, social and emotional functioning with the aid of animals. Much more than simply spending time with an animal, animal-assisted therapies can include walking, brushing, petting and caring for an animal, as well as processing the experience of trying to achieve a given task.

There is a strong bond between animals and people. Animals are accepting, non-threatening and non-judgemental, making it easier for people to open up. Animal therapy can release endorphins that produce a calming effect. This can help alleviate pain, reduce stress and improve a person’s overall psychological state. Animal Therapy is an ideal way for customers who may be less mobile to be able to interact with animals without having to care for them full-time.

Please see our website for more info -, or call 01795 422200 to book a session #pettherapy #fourleggedfriend #bluebirdcareswale