Published: 20/06/2016

Sharon Ryan Director of Bluebird Care (Teignbridge) is pleased to announce that the winner of their first Communtiy Grant of £250 is The Hedley Way Centre Dawlish

Sharon Ryan and Michelle Green (Care Manager) were pleased to present the cheque recently at the Hedley Way Centre, Dawlish.
Liz Wedlake, the secretary of The Hedley Way Centre says "it is absolutely wonderful!! We have had so much bad luck recently,it's wonderful to get some good news.  We have suffered terrible vandalism but are turning the corner now and our next project is to get the outside of thebuildng painted."
Sharon Says "It was lovely to meet everyone, they are a lovely friendly group who meet each Monday for Bingo and Wednesdays when they have either a speaker, demonstration, musical entertainment, film or quizz.  I am delighted to have been invited back to give a talk on home care and even more delighteds to be able to present the cheque to them."
Liz adds "We are having an Open Afternoon with a cream tea on Wednesday 13th July from 2.30 onwards at The Hedlsy Way Centre, please email me or ring 01626 863679 if you would like to come along and also if you are interested in joining our group."