Think Pink! Bluebird Care (Thurrock & Castle Point) raises Awareness on Breast Cancer Prevention

Published: 04/11/2016

In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Bluebird Care (Thurrock & Castle Point) joined the conversation, using their platform to encourage its staff to learn more about the disease. 

During the month of October, each member of staff was given take-home reminder cards highlighting the steps and importance of a Breast Self-Examination.

Alvin Osei-Tutu, Director of Bluebird Care (Thurrock & Castlepoint) said; 

The awful fact is that 1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. We want our staff who are predominantly women to not only know how to check for signs of breast cancer but to discuss the importance of breast self-examination and early detection with their loved ones, and this is a great opportunity to do so.

Bluebird Care (Thurrock & Castle Point) is offering these additional tips in regards to breast cancer screening and prevention:

1.    Breast cancer symptoms can include a lump in the breast or underarm, swelling of the breast, irritation of breast skin, redness, pain in the breast, changes in the shape or size of the breast or discharge from the nipple.

2.    Mammograms are recommended biennially after the age of 50 by the NHS Breast Screening Programme. Doctors use a mammogram to look for early signs of breast cancer. Regular mammograms are the best tests doctors have to find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt. Women should always speak with their primary care provider before they go in for a screening.

3.    Lowering your risk for breast cancer can be done by keeping a healthy weight, exercising regularly, getting a full night’s rest and limiting alcohol consumption. Sharing your family history with your doctor also helps with early detection.

Those wanting to know more about breast health and breast cancer screenings should speak with their doctor or you can also contact the Cancer Research UK nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
