Off For Coffee With Rita!

Published: 25/06/2018

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing a premium quality service to our customers, we regularly arrange for our Care Assistants to take a customer out to enjoy some time away from the home. We recently arranged for Care Assistant Zulal to take out customer Rita and they both had a really lovely time! 

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing a premium quality service to our customers, we regularly arrange for our Care Assistants to take a customer out to enjoy some time away from the home.

We recently arranged for Care Assistant Zulal to take out customer Rita and they both had a really lovely time! 

Rita receives regular visits from us and does not manage to get out very often, so we thought that as Zulal was a regular Care Assistant we would arrange for them to enjoy some time together.

Zulal collected Rita, headed out for a coffee and slice of cake at a local coffee house and had a very enjoyable time.

Operations Manager Clare explained that:
It was great to be able to arrange this outing and it really made a difference to Rita, who does not manage to go out very often.

Zulal had a really wonderful time and there was much discussion about her background along with a very enjoyable cup of tea and slice of cake!

It is a privilege for us to be able to arrange outings like this and I am pleased to have been able to do so for Rita and Zulal!