Thanking Tonbridge School For Their Generous Donation Of PPE!

We would like to thank Tonbridge School who have made an incredibly generous donation of PPE to us over the past few days!


We would like to thank Tonbridge School who have made an incredibly generous donation of PPE to us over the past few days!

The school has made a generous donation of face masks, gloves and aprons that are very much appreciated by the team here at Bluebird care Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells.

The kindness and generosity we have received over the past few weeks has been incredible!

Whilst we do currently have adequate stocks of PPE, this donation will go a long way to making a difference as it will help further safeguard our staff and customers as they deliver such valuable support each day.

It is kindness and generosity through donations such as this that truly demonstrate the community spirit that we are proud of being a part of.

We have seen such kindness and support from our local community over the past few weeks and are honoured to be providing such a valuable service at this time!

Thank you to Tonbridge School for your generous donation. PPE is such an important part of the care we provide and this donation will go a long way to keeping our carers and customers safe!

Zoe, Care Manager