Using Technology To Support Outstanding Care

Published: 18/07/2016

We strive to provide the best quality care possible for our customers and are pleased to be in the final stages of implementing a new system that uses technology to keep us at the forefront of care provision.

We strive to provide the best quality care possible for our customers and are pleased to be in the final stages of implementing a new system that uses technology to keep us at the forefront of care provision.

As well as being able to provide full and accurate, up to date information about all of our customers, the new system enables us to monitor things such as administering of medications, visit times and records if visits in real time.

We are proud to be implementing this new system as we continue to push the boundaries of outstanding care provision.

Operations Manager, Clare Mortlock explained that:
Having everything on a computer in the manner that our new system allows will mean that we will be even more compliant. It will also help us as we aim to be more environmentally friendly as it will reduce the printing we need to do.

In addition, having up to the minute information about our customers care will help us make appropriate changes quicker and free up time for our office team to spend further supporting our team of Care Assistants and also with our customers.