
Showing results 334 - 342 (of 540)

Recognizing Our Staff's Achievements!

We provide our team of Care Assistants with in depth training and support throughout their career with us as this is something we feel is very important as we strive to deliver a premium standard of care to our customers. We are proud to have recently celebrated with Care Assistant Padmah, who has completed her probation and Care Certificate!


Recognizing Our Staff's Achievements!

As awareness about live in care grows, we are finding that more of our customers are opting to arrange a Live in Care Assistant rather than move into a care home. We recently celebrated with Live in Care Assistant Neshka, who has recently completed her Care Certificate and passed her probation.


Life In The Office

As a premium provider of care at home, we regularly arrange outings that are at no cost to our customers and Care Assistant Fainess recently visited Betty with some rather delightful fish and chips for lunch.


Life In The Office

Our customer outings are another demonstration of our commitment to providing a premium service and recently Care Assistant Gundami took customer Ken out for lunch to a place of his choosing.


Supporting Nutrition & Hydration Week

Following recent reports which claim that middle-aged millennials are set to be the most overweight generation since records began, we are trialling a new healthy eating initiative to coincide with the start of Nutrition and Hydration Week (12 – 18 March).


Celebrating With Our Staff

We have recently celebrated with Live in Care Assistant Jelena, who has marked her second year of employment with us!


Celebrating With Our Staff

We always celebrate our Care Assistants' milestones and are pleased to have recently celebrated with Debbie, who has marked her fifth work anniversary. Debbie is a valued member of the team and joined us shortly after we opened. She is dedicated to her role and makes a big difference to the lives of customers through the support that she provides.


Life In The Office

We have a great friendly environment here at Bluebird Care and take every oppurtunity to do something a little different. This week is British Pie Week, so we thought that we would top the week off with a lovely meal of pie & chips.


Announcing Our Community Care Assistant Of The Year

We are incredibly proud to announce that our Community Care Assistant of the year is Regine! Regine received the largest percentage of votes from customers, who were asked who they would line to nominate as Care Assistant of the year. Regine received a certificate along with a box of chocolates and flowers from Care Manager Claire. Claire also booked a treat for her to enjoy a meal at the Ritz in London!


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