Working towards a dementia friendly community

Published: 15/05/2017

During 2017 Bluebird Care Wakefield have worked in many ways to raise awareness of living with dementia

Working towards a dementia friendly community

Working towards a dementia friendly community2017 saw the creation of over 100 Squares for Care quilts for people living with dementia. During 2017 Narinder, our director has been engaging and led local community groups to create the quilts. Key to success of the project has been the partnerships that have evolved not only with our local community groups but also with Alzheimer’s society, Wakefield and five towns dementia action allowance, carers Wakefield, Prince of Wales hospice and Wakefield libraries.

Bluebird Care Wakefield have also been supporting each other and the community in writing poems to raise awareness for dementia week this year. We started this off with a fantastic poem by our Registered Manager, Samantha Foster 

Slow may be my speech, my body, my mind. Have you ever thought that I'm just trying to be kind.

Fast are your movements, plans and ideas. Movement like as a storm in the ocean beyond all peers.

A storm.. In my mind trying hard to be tame, to follow direction of your kind smooth warm breeze. Yet hailed with the wind, snow and icy breath of disappoint. Failure and inability to perform to the worlds ever changing need.

Together digress in a moment of sadness, moving closer to connection ...yet so far from who I am. Who I was, who I have become

Remember me please as the women I was. Strong, bold and forever entrusting. Be there for me, in time and in place. I am forever yours as we move and progress. To the movement of time that will never be less.

Upwards and onwards wherever that maybe. Remember me out there in all your plans you see.

Big or small untoward all that maybe. I will always be me...

Bluebird Care Wakefield are hoping to share more poems with the community next year in their next project to help raise awareness of dementia and the importance of this.