Testimonials & case studies

At Bluebird Care Waltham Forest we offer a personal, professional service to you and your family. We are determined to deliver the best possible care for every single person and are delighted when we receive positive feedback from our customers, their families and friends.


Reputation Reviews

Showing results 41 - 48 (of 50)

I just wanted to say that Cornelia was absolutely amazing. My dad thought she was an angel, kind, caring and very intuitive to his needs. He is so Happy this morning happy. Thanks so much for organising this so last minute.

Marilyn is very happy with our service and praised us for the good quality of the training of the Care Assistant.

Comparing from the previous care company services they recieved she had in the pass in which she had to be hands on with David’s care and now she can rest assured this is now been taken care of through the dedicated care staff at  Bluebird Care Waltham Forest.

I just want to seize this opportunity to say a very massive thank you to everyone in the office for your supports and guidance. Thank you so much Karen for your words of encouragement  and for always being there .You are all amazing.It is my pleasure working with Bluebird Care Walthamforest.Please keep safe and remember we are all in this together and together we will fight it through.GOD BLESS BLUEBIRD CARE.

Sam and I would like to thank everyone that worked over the Christmas and New Year to help look after Sam. We really appreciate how reliable and committed you all were in spite of missing time with your own families.

We couldn’t have coped without you and you really made it possible for Sam to be at home.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Happy new Year to you all

 I would also like to thank Denise today she notice a sore on my mum foot .  We called the doctor and they have referred her to district nursing service because the sore could possibly develop into a pressure sore so we caught it early.   So many thanks to Denise.  I shall let her know tomorrow and thank her

Hugh thanks to your team for all their efforts this evening. This was an extremally difficult situation the had to deal with. The carers where Julie St Romain and a new carer shadowing Ceanne

Gemma mentioned that she has been made to feel so welcome by all the office staff and the support she has received has been brilliant and wanted to thank us for making her feel part of the Bluebird Team.

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