Our News

Showing results 10 - 18 (of 75)

Sepsis: Could You Spot the Symptoms?

Every year, sepsis claims millions of lives globally but many people still don’t know the symptoms. Here’s our guide to spotting the signs and taking action.


10 Ways to Spread a Little Kindness

What's the kindest thing you've done recently? As it's Random Acts of Kindness Day this month, here are some suggestions as to how you can spread a little happiness!


Health and Social Care Awareness Events to look out for in 2020

Here's our Bluebird Care Wandsworth guide to some of the health and social care awareness days, weeks and months to look out for this year.


How to Cope with Loneliness at Christmas

Do you feel more alone at Christmas? Or would you like to help someone else who feels lonely? Here's how you can help yourself and others feel less isolated over the festive season.


Could You Be Suffering from Stress?

There are lots of things that can add stress to our lives, so recognising the symptoms and knowing how to deal with it is really important for staying happy and healthy.


Breast Cancer: How to Spot the Symptoms and Check Yourself

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so here's some useful information that might even save your life.


12 Facts About Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

As it's World Alzheimer's Month this September, we thought we'd do our bit to raise awareness by sharing some facts about Alzheimer's disease and dementia.


6 Ways to Ease Joint Pain

Joint problems can have a serious impact on your quality of life, so here are a few ways to help ease joint pain.


Talking About Mental Health

Talking about our mental health problems is the first step in getting the right support. Our blog looks at how to spot mental health issues and where to find help.


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