Bluebird Care staff learn more about Aphasia for Stroke Month

Published: 17/07/2019

On Thursday 26th May we were privileged to have guest speakers join our May Team Meeting from the Exeter Aphasia Support Group - Barbara, Sandhy and Lisa.

On Thursday 26th May we were privileged to have guest speakers for our May Team Meeting - the Exeter Aphasia Support Group. Barbara, Sandhy and Lisa gave an inspiring talk on living with Aphasia.

Aphasia is most commonly caused by stroke and can change for ever a person's ability to speak, read, write or manage numbers. It can lead to feelings of isolation, a loss of confidence and withdrawal from everyday life.

The inspirational Sandhy who, in 2014 suffered a brain aneurysm and shortly after a stroke, talked to us about her experiences of living with Aphasia. She told us about her frustrations and difficulties but spoke passionately about how much of a difference attending the Exeter Aphasia Support Group and working with a Speech Therapist has made.

The session ended with The 10 Top Tips to use when talking to someone with Aphasia which you can find here.

Find out more about the Exeter Aphasia Support Group:

What happens at the drop-in?

Sessions are led by people with Aphasia and supported by trained volunteers. Relax over tea and coffee, exchange ideas, and meet people who understand.

How many people will be there?

The number will vary each time, but from 5 to 35!

Do I have to stay for the whole drop-in?

No, drop-in is informal and you can stay as long as you wish. There is no commitment to attend every time either.

Do I need to pay?

No. All of Connect's activites are free to attend, but as a charity we always welcome donations.

Find out more here: