Meet the team... Sally Hedge!

Published: 17/07/2019

We're extremely pleased to welcome Sally to the Bluebird Care Exeter & East Devon Team as our Recruitment and Retention Manager - let's go meet her!

Let's start off easy... tell us a bit about yourself!

I’ve always enjoyed working in healthcare related fields – with a variety of experiences!

With a degree in Midwifery from Newcastle I started as a Maternity Nurse in Switzerland – not much sleep involved with that role, so I moved to London and enjoyed several years recruiting Midwives, Health Visitors and Nurses for international maternity nursing roles instead – much easier on the eye bags! I’m from Torquay originally so relocated back to Exeter with a Business Centre Manager Role for Newcross Healthcare.  I opened the Exeter office and worked there for 7 years supplying hospitals, care homes and a variety of independent needs with both Nursing and Care staff.

Most recently I have worked for St Loye’s Foundation aiding clients with long term Disabilities and Health issues back into sustained employment. 

I live locally and have 2 children aged 8 and 5 that keep me very busy, they also weren’t very helpful on the eye wrinkle situation although getting better now!

What have you enjoyed the most about your roles? And what do you hope to bring to Bluebird Care?

I’ve really enjoyed the variety of people and clients I’ve worked with.  Ensuring the provision of quality care has been fundamental to all my roles along with the ability to add value, which I very much look forward to doing here. 


What are you most looking forward to about working at Bluebird Care?

Helping to grow the team of front line staff at Bluebird Care, to be able to give more opportunity to local customers in need of a quality care service.

What’s playing in your car right now?

I accidentally took my car through a car wash with the aerial on recently (blame the children!) so it’s CD only! 

We went to the Minnack theatre to see a Puppett Show this year and the kids won a CD of the man playing the accordion and singing some very jolly, nature related songs.  I have tried to lose it several times but they keep finding it!

Who would you most like to meet and why? 

Having recently watched SuffragetteEmmeline Pankhurst for obvious reasons.

What personality/character trait do you most admire?


If you were a world leader for a day what would you change?

Well I might have a little rethink on the Brexit Referendum after I’d made all the vastly paid football players donate 80% of their salaries to world poverty charities.

What is your favourite childhood memory?

When it snowed (very rare event in Torquay) and the outside toilets froze (yes I am that old!) so we all got to go home early.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

To subscribe to Martin Lewis’ Money Saving Expert’s weekly email – saved me a fortune and I can highly recommend.

And finally… tell us a fact or something unusual about yourself… 

I have never watched an episode of Game of Thrones… I was told I’m statistically quite unusual in this!