Pet Friendly Coffee Morning

Published: 11/06/2019

On the 14th of March 2019, Bluebird Care held their first Pet friendly coffee morning at their offices in York. The reason for this, is that they recognise that loneliness and isolation is a real and growing problem in the community.

Bluebird Care had been trying to think of ways to reduce this and get people socialising, meeting new people and gaining new experiences.

Isolation affects peoples well-being and sense of worth and this campaign is on-going. Bluebird Care have also held a paint class and next week they are having their first craft class.
The reason why they had decided on a pet friendly coffee morning is that it proven to have therapeutic benefits and improving peoples physical and emotional well-being. 
Feedback from the day was very positive, especially from their own customers who enjoyed the homemade cakes and fussing the animals! 

It was a huge success and Bluebird Care plan on holding another one soon.